South Carolina Federation of Music Clubs
South Carolina Federation of Music Clubs
In 1919, two women from Greenville were contacted by the Federation asking if they would consider an organization of the clubs in South Carolina. They attended a meeting of the National Federation and later in 1920 called a meeting in Columbia to form our state federation. In 1921, a more complete organization was made and had its real beginning.
Through the years, the South Carolina Federation of Music Clubs has made its mark on much of the musical heritage in the Southeastern Region and beyond. It has contributed several Young Artist Winners. It has many Life Members of the Federation and many Rose Fay Thomas Fellows. Support of Transylvania Music Camp was an endeavor that has lasted to the present day, including the presentation of a “practice house”, and also a large contribution to the music library. Another of the worthwhile projects was the War service work for which South Carolina was second in the nation giving record players, sound systems, musical instruments, and sheet music to those who served in WWII.
SCFMC continues its ever constant support of NFMC, to fulfill “our responsibilities to bring the spiritualizing force of music to the inner life of our nation; to add our voices to the great chorus of parents, teachers, performers, and composers who value music in their own lives; and support that which is genuine and fulfilling. Together we fulfill the promise of our founders. It is our gift to all who cherish music”. ( A Legacy of 100 Years by Lucile Parish Ward)